Ulyanovsk Regional Surety FundSince 2009 when the Fund started providing sureties, it has concluded 472 surety agreements for a total amount of more than RUB 1 billion, which enabled small and medium-sized businesses to borrow RUB 2.4 billion in loans. As of July 1, 2015, the surety portfolio of the guarantee institution amounted to RUB 411.7 million. In 2014, the Ulyanovsk Regional Surety Fund secured the 22nd position in AK&M Rating Agency's Ranking of Regional Guarantee Institutions comprising 60 guarantee institutions.
RatingsRating Type | National | Tier | Outlook | Date* |
Rating of garantee institutions | Отозван | |  | 11.10.2017 |
*Date of assignment or revision of the rating
Rating Actions11.10.2017AK&M Rating Agency assigned a guarantee institution rating to the Fund "Corporation of Business Development of Ulyanovsk region" for the first time on October 13, 2015. The last rating action was taken on October 4, 2016. All rating action announcements are available on the www.akmrati04.10.2016The 'A' rating indicates that the Ulyanovsk Regional Surety Fund qualifies as a highly reliable guarantee institution. The risk of a failure to meet obligations in time is low.
The key positive rating drivers for the guarantee institution include steady capitalization growth, a favorable se13.10.2015The 'A' rating indicates that the rated Fund qualifies as a highly reliable guarantee institution. The risk of a failure to meet obligations in time is low. The rating assignment was based on the Credit Rating Methodology for Guarantee Institutions rev. March 3, 2015.
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